Wholesale Marketing Inserts that help you build branding, more sales, profit and confidence

Right within HoneyComm, distribute your custom printed inserts/stickers in your order fulfillment packages. Package Inserts are low cost, high return, and scalable. Create Package Inserts, Transit Branding, Sample Supplements & Stickers.

HoneyComm Flyer

Why package insert media should be a part of your marketing plan


The brilliant thing about package inserts is that they can be incredibly tailored to your target audience. For example, if you’re selling high-end protein powder, you can design your inserts to go with other fitness products that are being shipped.

Low Cost

Insertion fees are a fraction the cost of postage, making package inserts an excellent low cost alternative to direct mail. You also have the flexibility to distribute in a wide range of formats: flyers, stickers, post cards, samples, and more.

Reduced Risk

You can accommodate and start with small starter orders, allowing you to see the channel’s ROI before you commit more. Our testing philosophy is to test with minimal quantities. We would rather test more inserts than do higher quantities. This way we can scale more quickly.


You can scale easily or change directions. Valentines day promo, spend X = future discount insert, bundling promo, sample product gift, brand building. The possibilities are really endless.


HoneyComm is the only company that offers marketing inserts that will create more sales, a better experience and confidence in your brand.

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